
Magistritöö: Kärgperede emasid vaevab ühiskonna hukkamõist
Ühe rohkem leidub peresid, kus kokku on saanud mees ja naine, kellel on lapsi ka varasematest suhetest. Tallinna Ülikoolis kaitstud magistritööst selgus, et kärgpere emade vaimset heaolu vähendab lisaks uue peremudeliga harjumisele ja ühiskonna hukkamõist.
Raamatud ja artiklid

Märtsin, M. (2019). Identity development in the life-course: A semiotic cultural approach to transitions in early adulthood. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hviid, P. & Märtsin, M. (Eds.) (2019). Culture in education and education in cultures: Tensioned dialogues and creative constructions: Cham: Springer.

Märtsin, M., Wagoner, B., Aveling, E.-L., Kadianaki, I. & Whittaker, L. (Eds.) (2011). Dialogicality in focus: challenges to theory, method and application. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Teemakohased artiklid rahvusvahelistes ajakirjades
Teemakohased peatükid raamatutes
Märtsin, M., Nahkur, O., Abuladze, L. (2023). Vaimne tervis ja heaolu ning rahulolu peresuhetega Eesti peredes. Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2022/2023. SA Eesti Koostöö Kogu.
Märtsin, M. & Samuel, S. (2023). Moving toward home away from home: A cultural psychology perspective on home and migration. In P. Boccagni (Ed)., Handbook of Home and Migration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Märtsin, M. (2020). On the possibility of becoming otherwise. In B. Wagoner, I. Bresco, & S. Zadeh (Eds.) Memory in the wild (pp. 77−90). Charlotte, N.C: Information Age Publishing.
Märtsin, M. (2014). Introduction. Self-regulation by signs: a social semiotic approach to identity. In S. Salvatore, A. Gennaro & J. Valsiner (Eds.), Multicentric identities in the globalizing world (pp. ix-xx). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Märtsin, M. (2012). A dismantled jigsaw: making sense of the complex intertwinement of theory, phenomena and methods. In E. Abbey & S. Surgan (Eds.), Emerging methods in psychology (pp. 101-119). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
Märtsin, M. & Mahmoud, H. (2012). Never at home? Migrants between societies. In J. Valsiner (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of culture and psychology (pp. 730-745). Oxford: Oxford University Press.